Hargeisa the Capital city of Somalialnd
Hargeisa is a city in the Maroodi Jeex region of Somaliland in the Horn of Africa. It is the capital and largest city of Somaliland. More than 1.3 million people call Hargeisa home. Hargeisa is very safe, peaceful and growing rapidly.
Hargeisa is Somaliland’s capital. There are good hotels and restaurants, other notable sights include the The MiGJet is also to be found in Hargeisa, can’t be missed!, This monument will remember the bombardments of the city during the war when more than 20.000 people got killed. Nowadays it is a symbol of the liberation from the suppression of the Somali regime of Siad Barre.
Natural attractions are very common around the City, The Naasa-Hablood hills are twin hills located on the outskirts of Hargeisa that Somalilanders consider to be a majestic natural landmark, The famous moneychangers can be found in the centre of the town. There is also a daily camel market.
The gold market which is around the Heart of the city and the University of Hargeisa

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